Suha koža sklona iritacijama
AtopiControl Akut krema za njegu kože sklone crvenilu
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Opsežna istraživanja i strast prema koži temelj su visoke kvalitete Eucerin njege. Naravno, Eucerinovi stručnjaci ulažu velike napore prilikom odabira svih sastojaka i ograničavaju njihov broj. Ipak, u slučaju netolerancije ili alergija, moglo bi vam biti korisno provjeriti određene sastojke u našoj bazi podataka ključnih sastojaka.
Ključan sastojak
Licochalcone A is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant active that is derived from the roots of the Chinese licorice plant Glycyrrhiza inflata. Licochalcone A protects cells from oxidative stress mediated by UV and blue light (HEVIS).
Licochalcone A is able to activate anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes. These enzymes protect the skin cells from damage induced by oxidative stress, like lipid peroxidation and DNA as wells as protein damage. Licochalcone A is able to soothe irritated skin and redness.